Blue green algae

Hunter Water routinely monitors blue-green algae concentrations (also known as cyanobacteria) in drinking water sources at Grahamstown and Chichester Dams, as well as river offtakes on the Williams, Allyn and Paterson Rivers.

Natural part of aquatic ecosystems

Dam Algae Bloom

Blue-green algae are a natural part of aquatic ecosystems, but under certain conditions, these organisms can grow prolifically, causing a 'bloom'. These blooms can affect water quality and reduce the overall amenity of the water. Further information on algal blooms can be found by visiting WaterNSW Algae Information.

We share information, including monitoring data, with the Hunter Regional Algal Coordinating Committee. This Committee oversees the control plans of all New South Wales water authorities when dealing with blue-green algae in environmental waters.

Did you know?

We manage blue-green algae blooms in accordance with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines to mitigate potential risks to the community.

In the event of blue-green algae outbreak occurring on a Hunter Water site, we notify the public by erecting warning signs at affected locations.

Want more information on blue-green algae?

For information on blue-green algae control plans at all other locations in the Hunter region, please refer to algal alerts at WaterNSW.