Belmont desalination plant

We’re excited to share that planning approval was recently received to build a permanent desalination plant at Belmont. A permanent plant is a key action in the 2022 Lower Hunter Water Security Plan.

Why desalination?

Desalination is an important rainfall-independent water supply option and will help support our customers and communities with a safe and reliable water source regardless of changes in weather or climate.

A permanent desalination plant at Belmont:

  • will add up to 30 million litres per day of rainfall-independent water supply to the Lower Hunter’s water system, which is around 15% of the region’s average daily water needs
  • increases the diversity of the region’s water supply system, which will improve the resilience of the overall system and help Hunter Water to continue to support customers and communities regardless of climate or system shocks
  • helps to reduce the rate that storages deplete in a long and severe drought by around six months, delaying the need to implement severe drought response measures
  • provides a flexible water supply source that is responsive to water supply needs.

Greenhouse gas emissions from desalination will be incorporated into Hunter Water’s Carbon Strategy.

Artist impression of belmont desalination plant

Progress report

Desalination was originally identified in the 2014 Lower Hunter Water Plan as a drought response measure. In 2021, we received approval from the NSW Government to build a drought response desalination plant at Belmont.

As one of the few water source options not dependent on rainfall, desalination was identified in the 2022 Lower Hunter Water Security Plan as a key action to help us to continue to support our customers and communities with a safe and reliable water source regardless of changes in weather or climate.

We recently submitted a Modification Report to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) seeking approval to build and operate a permanent desalination plant at Belmont. The Modification Report was on public exhibition during January and February 2024. Feedback received during the exhibition was considered and addressed in a Submissions Report. A full copy of the EIS Modification Report and the Submissions Report can be downloaded from the NSW Government’s Major Projects website.

With planning approval now in place, we expect construction to start from late 2024. On completion, the plant will form part of the Lower Hunter’s water supply system for the future.

To support the desalination project, two new water mains also need to be constructed to distribute the treated water from the plant to our customers and network. More information about these water mains can be found on the Belmont Water Mains project page.

Join our Community Consultative Committee

In line with our planning approvals, we are establishing a Community Consultative Committee to engage with community and key stakeholders during construction and early operation of the plant.

The Community Consultative Committee is not a decision-making or regulatory body; it performs an advisory and consultative role. The purpose of the committee is to:

  • establish good working relationships and encourage Hunter Water and our contractors, committee members and other relevant stakeholders to share information
  • allow Hunter Water and our contractors to seek feedback from community representatives, stakeholder groups and Council or respond to project-related matters
  • give community representatives, stakeholder groups and Council a forum to ask for information or give feedback on a project.

We encourage interested parties and/or those with strong ties in the local community to put in an expression of interest to join the Committee. Key selection criteria include:

  • current local resident, worker or landowner potentially impacted by the project
  • able to demonstrate my involvement in the local community or community activities
  • knowledgeable about the project and its related issues of concern to the local community
  • able to represent and communicate the interests of the affected local community
  • willing to adhere to the committee’s code of conduct.
  • not employed by Hunter Water or our contractors / subcontractors.

Express your interest in joining the Community Consultative Committee

To express your interest for the Belmont Desalination Plant Community Consultative Committee, please download and complete the relevant form below and email the Committee's Chair, Dr Colin Gellatly (AO), by 5pm Friday 25 October 2024.

If you prefer, you can mail your form and supporting application to Dr C Gellatly, PO Box 56 Hunters Hill NSW 2110.

Frequently asked questions

Thirsty for more information?

Learn more about the Belmont desalination plant.